Quant Review Explanations: Now Free!

October 14, 2010

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Another week, another set of free explanations!

Last week, I released explanations to every math problem in The Official Guide. Now, explanations are also available for every problem in The Official Guide for Quantitative Review.

To navigate your way through this fantastic new resource, you can use one of three indexes:

These explanations, as well as the set for OG12, remain available for sale as a PDF booklet. I think you'll find them sufficiently valuable that you'll want to have them at hand even when you're offline, to enhance the value of practicing with the Official Guide books.



About the author: Jeff Sackmann has written many GMAT preparation books, including the popular Total GMAT Math, Total GMAT Verbal, and GMAT 111. He has also created explanations for problems in The Official Guide, as well as 1,800 practice GMAT math questions.

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